109 | 110 Type: Numeric Other Stylizations: 109 | 110 | 109 locations Origins: This is a reference to the antisemitic notion that Jewish people have been expelled from 109 countries, and antisemites have also created lists of said “expulsions” that range from 100 to over 1,000. Antisemites cite Jewish peoples purported “malicious and harmful” […]
HateDefined: “100%”
A database of hate symbols and dogwhistles that are used, weaponized, and appropriated by white supremacists, these definitions and writeups will always be a work in progress This is a database of hate symbols and dog whistles that are used by Nazis and white supremacists, as well as brief overviews on different hate groups. To […]
InsurrectionID : Matt Brackley
Profiling insurrectionists in New England Matt Brackley Before the Coup… Matt was born and raised in New Vineyard, Maine, currently resides in Waldoboro, Maine, and is a father of three [1]. According to his Facebook page, he is currently the Owner and President of Brackley Electric, an electric company with a location in Bath, Maine […]
“Jesus Loves White Children” Who is Spreading Hate around New Hampshire?
Update: I have gotten some new information pertaining to this article, including archived post. As of recently, the person behind this has privated most of their YouTube videos as well. Right now, I will be going through and archiving the content that has not yet been archived through either archive.today, or The Internet Archive’s Waybackmachine, […]
No Hate in My State: Peering Inside the Minds and Motives of Racist Landowners in Maine
Did you know that Maine is one of the whitest states in the entire country? Being a minority in Maine has been interesting to say the least, most people I’ve met aren’t racist, but it’s a crying shame that we have to share our beautiful land with people who advocate for both Donald Trump and […]