Update: I have gotten some new information pertaining to this article, including archived post. As of recently, the person behind this has privated most of their YouTube videos as well. Right now, I will be going through and archiving the content that has not yet been archived through either archive.today, or The Internet Archive’s Waybackmachine, and replacing the original links.
Using children as a political pawn is gross, but using children as political pawns to further your bigoted agenda is even worse.
Even though New England seems to be a pretty progressive region here in the United States, unfortunately there will always be a group of people who can’t help but spread hate, no matter how far we’ve come in this country.
Reddit Posts
There was a post on the r/Maine subreddit that was made on February 24, 2025 with a title that read “Save the kids in Maine.” The post has since been deleted by the moderators of the page due to the fact that it was not related to Maine. There have been several other sightings of this message being spread.
The post contained an image of two children standing next to a sign that says, “Jesus Loves White Children” In front of Pembroke Hill High School in Pembroke, New Hampshire, along with another image of a child wearing what seems to be the head of some sort of Easter bunny mascot or costume. I wasn’t able to get a screenshot from their post on the r/Maine subreddit before it got taken down, but they also posted the same images on the r/exchristian subreddit where they titled their post “This is an incredibly dangerous road.”
They also crossposted the same images to r/Christianmemes recently as well with the caption “Jesus.”
It seems as though they’ve posted the same kind of images on different subreddits, but most of them got taken down.
They crossposted a post from r/newhampshire from February 24, 2025 onto the r/NewEngland subreddit with the title “We can’t bring CRT to schools, but it’s totally cool to bring blatant racism …” , that post being from another user. The image that was attached has since been removed by the moderators of r/newhapmshire, but the comments lead me to believe that they most likely posted the same kind of content.
Another comment below the post shows screenshots from the r/newhampshire subreddit of “someone driving around with the same sign and taking pictures.”
When you look up the u/HulkArmy username on Google, you will find that their account has since been deleted, but in the description, it reads “what does the good book say? What’s happening to the churches in New Hampshire?” which is exactly what the titles are in the post above.
Keep this in mind.
Also, in the comments of their Reddit page under a post that got taken down by the r/CursedGuns subreddit, they post a link to a YouTube video of a child in a shirt that says “Jesus Loves White Children” with a gun in their hand when someone assumes that the image or video that was originally posted was AI generated.
The Reddit account that posted these initial pictures on the r/Maine and the two Christian subreddits, u/Doboj1990, is also the moderator of a subreddit called r/SlavicLivesMatter17 where they seem to be the only member (and thus moderator). On that page, they also posted a screenshot of a Facebook group for the same cause.
Another post on r/AntifascistsofReddit showcased a picture of two stickers on what seem to be the back of a stop sign. The first sticker reads “Jesus Loves White Children; Slavic Storm,” and the second one reads “Nationalist Lifestyle” on the top, and “will2rise.com” with four different icons, one with a pair of boxing gloves and a dumbbell, a Celtic cross (which has been misappropriated by neo-Nazis and the KKK), an image of a syringe with a line through it signaling their support for anti-vaxx, and an image of a nuclear family.
will2rise.com is the merchandise website of the Rise Above Movement, or R.A.M, a Southern California white supremacist gang which was created by Robert Rundo who felt like he was out of place in the alt-right, or broader far-right movement back in 2017.
The person who posted this picture, who has since had their account suspended, who’s username was u/Mother-Russia-USA, asks if these two stickers are from the same organization. I’m not 100% sure where these came up; one commenter asks if they were seen in New Hampshire but never got any clarification on their comment.
I personally do not believe that these two stickers have any relationship to each other or if they were even put up by the same person, but I do believe that there are some ideological similarities here.
One comment links a yahoo news article from the New Hampshire Union Leader. In this article, they talk a little bit about Slavic Storm when reporting on a banner that read “Jesus Loves White Children”:
The Twitter account Slavic Storm states that its mission is “the protection of the Slavic people through all of time and space.” Many posts include the phrase “Slavic Lives Matter.”
In that same comment, the user posted a link to the Slavic Storm Twitter/X account. Much like the imgflip account (which will be looked into later), their account also posts various different memes, gifs, and pictures that mostly have the words “Slavic lives matter” on them.
I’m unsure of the owner of the @SlavicStorm twitter account, but they also post content with a similar ideology as what had been discussed previously, and in similar format as well; it’s usually a meme or a gif with the words “Slavic Lives Matter” on it, which leads me to believe that this is either run by the same person, or a person who has similar ideologies and enjoys posting the same content.
Another post on Reddit that was made about a year ago shows the same sign in front of a sign for a Men’s Prayer Breakfast for a Christian Fellowship Baptist Church. The person who created this post also had their account suspended. One comment drops the location of this church, and I personally do not have any reason to believe that this church is involved with this group/person, I believe that they just find any public place to plaster their hate speech.
I have no way of proving this, but I wouldn’t be surprised if this person who is putting this sign up around New Hampshire was the person behind these Reddit posts. Their username (Slavic-Star-Trek) is obviously a reference to the TV show, and it is also mentioned in a pinned TikTok video of a child with a red shirt that says that same phrase with a geotag in New Hampshire but we’ll get to that TikTok account a little bit later.
The Article
Looking up the phrase that they keep parodying will eventually lead you to an article written by the New Hampshire Union Leader talking about a banner that was spotted hanging over the overpass over I-293 over Front Street in Manchester, New Hampshire May 1, 2023, and was taken down around 9:30 a.m. The banner has the same “Jesus Loves White Children” phrase, along with the words “Slavic Storm” on either side of the top half of the banner which resembles the flag of Ukraine. This banner can also be found on a Deviantart account as well.
But where else can this banner be found on the internet? I did some further searching, and I found a group on Quora that’s called “It’s Okay to Be White,” which is a white supremacist dog whistle that was created by internet trolls on 4Chan back in 2017. Someone on that forum posted a link to a TikTok account which is now defunct, but you can still see the same sign hung up on a fence. I’m unsure if this is the same overpass or somewhere else, but it definitely is the same flag.
On this person’s YouTube account, you can see two different videos that they posted of them recording the banner.
[The video that I had linked was posted on December 2, 2023, but is private as of 2/27/2025]
There is also a Linkedin profile with the same phrase, where it says that they are a student at the University of Oxford and will be graduating in 2030, and live in Manchester, New Hampshire.
Along with this, there is a Facebook group with the same saying with only one member in it, which I assume is the person, whoever it is, who is behind this, assuming that it’s only one individual. The picture for the backdrop of this can also be found on their imgflip account, following the same theme of the other sightings; a few kids dressed up in masks in front of one of their signs.
This image that they used for the backdrop was posted about ten months ago.
Their imgflip account, a website where users are able to create their own memes, was created on January, 25, 2024. They have posted several images with the same messaging, both memes and pictures of the children and who I assume to be a parent. The children who are posted on this account aren’t even old enough to grasp the idea of all of this.
What I find most concerning about this entire situation is the fact that they posted an image of a child, the same one who was in the TikTok video, was posted on imgflip with a rifle in their hand.
On this account, they paste their slogan on pictures of different public figures in the New England area, like Chris Sununu, the 82nd governor of the state of New Hampshire, and Amy Manchester who I believe may be a judicial nominee according to this article). Again, I do not believe that either of these individuals have anything to do with these people or reflect the views of this person/group.
There is also another account on imgflip with the username DmirBabic that was created in August of 2020. They post the same kind of content, but this time much more vitriolic and bigoted. I’m not 100% sure if this is the same person and this is an old account of theirs, but I wouldn’t be surprised.
They posted a picture making light of the murder of George Floyd, as well as some KKK memes.
They also pasted their slogan, much like the JesusLovesWhiteChildren account, over pictures of people. The most notable one being Thomas Matthew Crooks, the man who attempted to assassinate Donald Trump.
This only furthers the belief that these two imgflip accounts may be run by the same person, or people operating within the same group.
Back To YouTube
But let’s get back to their YouTube channel for a moment.
On their YouTube channel you will also see that they had plastered their sign at the Currier Museum of Art which is located in Manchester, New Hampshire, Manchester Community College, Bow Elementary School in Bow, New Hampshire, Livingston Park in Manchester, New Hampshire, as well as Epping Middle School in Epping, New Hampshire. They also have a video of a slideshow of various different places where they’ve put their sign. I still have no reason to believe that these establishments are in favor of this agenda; these people are simply doing this for publicity.
Their YouTube account, named JesusofSurfrown (which is the same username variation that they’ve used on TikTok as well; see the Quora post and surfboardofjustice) is full of short clips that are mostly pulled from their TikTok pages of children either with guns, standing around the sign, and a few with who I assume to be their parent. You can also find a video of them standing in front of Pembroke Hill High School, where we first started off in this story. You will actually find several of them.
Upon looking through this person’s YouTube comments under one of their posts, I found a comment that named her, Krystal Storm West. I believe that the video that she originally posted in which other people commented her name under it has since been deleted. The pictures that she has posted of herself completely line up on her Facebook. Their Facebook account has ‘BabieGurl’ next to the name, much like her personal TikTok account of similar name. Her TikTok account says that she is a mother of two which would completely make sense.
Here are some images of her from her Facebook account, along with her account in general.
And how do I know that this is them? Because they also posted a picture of their face on YouTube while in the hospital on their YouTube account.
New England is usually a very progressive area and is becoming more and more diverse as the years go on. We have to make room for progress and change for the better.